Why Choose Us
Dux Data Recovery is trustable and Marvellous Company which has innovative and powerful Data recovery products e.i password recovery, email conversion, email recovery, address book recovery, data conversion etc. Dux developer is making multiple Data Recovery products that are provide you easy service for protection your data. All products are work on windows platform and support (32 and 64 bit of Microsoft). Our software playing best role for recovering and converting your personal and professional data.
24X7 online Support:-
User can get 24X7 hour online support from Dux Data Recovery and re-solve any types of query which facing during the use software. Our team guide you easy and safe way for use software feature and there is not any bounded for time duration.

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30day Money back Guaranty:-
Dux Data Recovery offer you 30 day money back guarantee whole product of Dux Data recovery. If you need money back then follow some rule you need to read our money back policy....
Try demo before pay:-
Dux gives you demo version at free of cost which available all product for try our software working process. Firstly user can download demo version and check software working performance by own self.
Reasonable Price to get full license:-
You can get all product at affordable price that you can easily pay for your product. There is no extra charge you have only pay for your utility which you purchased.
Quality of Product:-
Dux ‘s all product are user friendly and flexible which has easy service to recover your data and simply install and uninstall on your systems as well as it has stringent feature to run on whole windows version.
Affirmative Client feedback:-
Our software are all time ready for reliable working performance and also fix any types of data corruption issues. Read more (http://duxdatarecovery.com/review.php).